LifePrep Core is centered around 4 Core Components that combine to make 8 Core LifePrep Lessons

Core Identity

The core identity exploration focuses on helping the student identify what is and is not for them. While our behaviors and character identities may change over time, the core identity is that part of us that remains through change. This segment walks students through the self exploration process to help them make informed, centered decisions that match who they know themselves to be.

Strengths and Interests

When a student learns what they do well, they often become more engaged in the process of learning. As we explore, discover, and expand student interests through exposure to various elements and learning scenarios, their mind expands and possibility follows. This section of the LifePrep Core curriculum helps students uncover and enhance their inherent strenths through encouragement of their interests.

Passions and Curiosities

Often we get into adulthood and still have not found our passion. At LifePrep Core, we discovered that by fostering a supportive environment for students to follow their curiosities, they often find passion in the process. This passion keeps students more engaged, more focused,, and more likely to finish the goals they set. As the student dives again into their own passions and curiosities each year, they find more and more of what adds juicy value to their lives.

Market Demand

In order to be successful and productive to thrive in the real world, students must have an understanding of markets, how they work, and how to navigate them successfully. The fudnamentals of economics and financial literacy are developed through intriguing, gamified lessons. These lessons help students bring the knowledge into their CORE understanding and continue to grow and evolve throughout their careers. From gig economies to social media stars, students learn exactly how to place themselves in the market for long term success.

Core Competencies

When a student gains a true understanding of their strengths and interests combined with who they are as a person, they begin to grasp their core competencies---those areas where the student has a distinct advantage or competitive edge. Positioned well, this edge can be used throughout the student's life to help balance areas of weakness, strengthen confidence, and increase overall life pay. As students progresses through the lessons of this segment, they begin to understand how to embody confidence and develop a voice to speak up where they are strongest.

What Fills You Up

The marriage of our Passions and Curiosities with our Core Identity allows us to see exactly what it is that adds value back into our lives. Here, students learn to explore their passions, invite the lightheartedness of curiosity, and allow themselves to be someone who enjoys what they enjoy. As they progress each year, students will create passion projects and even launch them into their communities. Some students implement their plans and go on to make significant impact in the world. LifePrep Core isn't just about how to give to the world; it is also a curriculum to teaches students how to rejuvenate themselves as part of their natural behavior.

Sellable Skills

One of the key ingredients to supporting a life that fits is guiding students to find their own "sellable skills" they can offer to the world in exchange for money. Different from their overall desired career or direction, a sellable skill is mobile, flexible, and market friendly in any economic climate. Students learn how to provide a service or product that people want and need so they can get paid. Students who can easily generate money have more choice, can invest more in their studies, and have a higher chance of surviving any employment disruptions in their adult journeys. Here, we help students combine their strengths and interests with market demand to find and launch their own cash solution for life.

Your Claim to Fame

The blending of Passions and Curiosities with Market Demand help to identify a student's primary areas where they can "make a name" for themselves, also known as creating a personal brand. A student who is encouraged to explore their passions and find a market fit has a stronger sense of belonging and purpose, while honoring their individuality and unique qualities.